St Margaret's Hospice has confirmed its weekly prize draw has reached a jackpot of £10,000.

The draw, which started with an initial jackpot of £250, has rolled over for the past 40 weeks.

It will take place next week on April 26, with the substantial rollover prize is guaranteed to be won.

Tickets for the draw can be purchased for £1 at any St Margaret's charity shop or at the reception of both Taunton and Yeovil hospice hub sites.

It offers supporters a shot at a 1 in 445 chance of winning one of the weekly prizes.

In the last year, the draws have raised a considerable profit of over £400,000 for St Margaret's, with many gracious winners often choosing to donate their prizes back to assist the hospice's invaluable work.

The weekly draw, taking place each Friday, presents participants not only a fun opportunity to back their local hospice, but also a chance to win one of 28 cash prizes each week.

These include set first and second prizes of £1,000 and £500 respectively, in addition to the rollover prize that boosts by £250 weekly until it is claimed, or hits the £10,000 mark, at which point it's guaranteed to be won.

Somerset County Gazette:

But the value of tickets stretches beyond the chance of financial gain.

Every ticket bought contributes greatly to the hospice's work, providing critical care and support to individuals living with life-limiting illnesses and their families in Somerset.

The joint effort of draw participants generates a substantial sum of £7,600 weekly, an amount that could fund 24/7 care on the In-Patient Unit for one patient for a week.

The participants' support means they are part of a unique group of helpers devoted to making a tangible difference in the lives of the needy.

Their generosity allows St Margaret's to provide vital care and comfort to individuals and their families during challenging times.